Monday, December 10, 2012


“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”
-William Wordsworth

I like writing. I like putting to paper, or screen, that which will make people laugh, gasp, cry, giggle, stew and think. 

Every day I find an opportunity to laugh at the world, groan at idiocy, tear up over tenderness, or stand up to things that are just plain wrong. I enjoy sharing. I hope to share some of those stories here.

I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister (older and younger), redhead, German-American, cat owner, jam maker, laundress, sewer, baker, flutist, writer, editor, teacher, latte lover, and grammarian. I live in a four-season state and wouldn't have it any other way. I work too hard, say no far too seldom, take on way too much and finally accepted that's just the way I operate.

Let's see where this goes.